Why should you consider using an independent, third-party planner?
Because we will be a trusted partner in getting you the best and most for your event dollars and are totally dedicated to the success of your event or program.
Many companies rely on support or administrative staff to plan and coordinate their business meetings, conferences and training programs. They may also take a stab at trying to develop their own incentive awards programs. All the while, they are diverted from the primary job they were hired to do. Many times, costly errors or omissions are made in planning the event simply because they have never been trained in event management. Save time and money and let the pros do it for you. We know the tricks-of-the-trade and pitfalls to avoid in putting together complex events with contracts and the myriad of penalties you can incur if you do the wrong things.
We can save your company money!
Companies spend billions on corporate meetings every year, yet only a small percentage have this sizable but fragmented spending under management. An interesting statistic gathered from Star Cite: 80% of meetings are planned in advance but account for only 50% of a company’s meeting budget. It's those last-minute meetings, perhaps planned spur-of-the-moment, that eat away at half of a company’s program expenditures.
It’s the smaller meetings, those 50 people or less, that are open to the greatest exposure to loss, and those account for 2/3 of all company meetings. These meetings are usually planned outside of the normal channels, i.e. not through the meeting planning department and instead by personnel in other departments. The reasoning for the loss is five-fold:
1. Smaller meetings are generally sourced by non-professional planners (perhaps a secretary, administrative assistant or marketing coordinator at the firm).
2. They are usually overlooked by upper management.
3. There is no reporting, feedback or tracking of these smaller meetings and their attendee costs, so there’s no accountability structure in place.
4. Because they are not sourced professionally, cost leveraging opportunities are missed (for example, the booking of multiple programs with one vendor, which often results in cost-savings, is not present).
5.The shorter lead times leave less chance for cost comparisons, and ensuing negotiations. Under the gun, planners are forced to just accept what hotels or other venues offer to them.